Game of Thrones: Awesome! No Wait... Ew.
SPOILER ALERT: LOOK AWAY!!! I have seen up through "Oathkeeper" (season 4, episode 4).
How did I not see that Grandmama killed Joffrey??? Hot diggity. I knew I loved that woman from Day 1. And I ALSO knew - somewhere in my subconscious - she wouldn't let Margaery marry him. How did I not see it??
OMG OMG OMG Margaery going to see Tommen in the middle of the night. Oh she is deliciously conniving. BUT - I am so sceeved. How the frig OLD is this kid?? Oh gross gross gross. Game of Thrones is bizarre...but THIS bizarre?? Are you KIDDING ME??
Brienne loves Jaime. I know she does. I'm dying to see them hook up. Dying. Why? I have no idea. It would be a) cute and b) a train wreck moment of epic proportions. You know she'd be on top.
Did those of you who read the books see this change of heart coming with Jamie Lannister? He went from Douche Extraordinaire to Hottie McSoftie in the course of one season! My lord he is fine. Just LOOK at that man. Brienne Loves herself some him. And I don't care what they say...I didn't see last week's sex-next-to-the-body-of-their-asshole-son creepshow as rape. Cersei was holding his face and kissing him while saying "stop it". It seemed to me like she wanted to...but realized it was pretty creepy since Jackass Joffrey was lying right there with cucumbers in his eyes. Beyond the whole brother/sister grossness, that is.
Also love how Jamie is protecting Sansa. He knows his batshit cray cray
OMG George RR Martin is obsessed with rape and dominance. No wonder he and Diana Gabaldon breakfast together once a month. I wonder if they trade ideas.
Love Khaleesi wielding her power all over the place. I saw in the scenes for next week that she asks about King's Landing. DOH. Send her ass in there to rescue Tyrion before someone kills him!!!
Ooooh...Khaleesi-Tyrion. Khaleesi-Terion. Trask-Radio!!! WHAT A POWER COUPLE THAT WOULD BE!!!!

OK - just googled and now realize all he did was turn the babe into a White Walker. Could've been worse (insert WTF face here).
TURN: Damn! This Show is Good!
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What do you think this is? The Patriot?! |
OK this will be quick because we're only one ep in. Not sure this is a bloggable show...but let me say I LOVED it. I grew up in the Valley Forge, PA area and now live in Monmouth county in New believe me when I say that I am a total Revolutionary War lover. This show is right up my alley.
Move it on over, baby girl. I'm stealin' your man. |
I like my skivvies starched, bitch. |
Ben Talmadge is a reason to watch, alone. That's one hot colonial, right there.
Now, is it me, or is Major Hewlett the biggest wuss to ever walk the planet? about someone who isn't necessary. He annoys me by just sitting there, eating steak and being his wussy self.
OK seriously - not much more to say at this point. Can't wait for next week!!
Reign - The Consummation
SPOILER ALERT: I have watched up through The Consummation.
WTF? I am so...not confused...just...confused.
First off - I should be happy that Mary and Francis are married. But I'm still so pissed off at Mary. They ruined the whole friggin romance.
Secondly...MAN did she drop Bash like a HOT POTATO. Now I feel bad for HIM! And Francis hates him! Come on, Francis...what would YOU have done if all that shit was dropped in your lap? The same damned thing! And poor Bash. The whole time he and Mary were "together", all he did was run around like her lap dog, fixing all her problems.
Francis got to sleep with her and all you got was...
That was nuts!!! They all stood around watching... and Lola was literally cringing. That was some EXCELLENT drama right there. Not even any blankets! Just wham, bam, thank you, that awful night dress thing. And Francis was all "That's right...I can get it THIS!"
And NOW Nostradamus realizes he was wrong? And I guess he's going to set out to kill Clarissa to make it all right...which is so awful. And sad. Queen Catherine should feel a lot worse than she does about the fact that that poor girl had such a shitty life. OMG.
Ew and not that it deserves mention...but what's with Kenna? Get me a hubby and I'll shag your brains out until you do? What's with that?? She's so gross. And she wasn't all that nice to Lola. Geez. Lola's looking OUT for her well being. I can't even stomach her.
Long live the queen. SO glad Catherine's not going to die any time soon. Let's be honest; she's the show.
OH WAIT - Marie de Guise. What do you think of Amy B? I wanted to hate her (because her non-accent is so not spectac) but she's really good. SO much fun. It's like watching Cora and PaPA's mothers go at it on Downton! FanTAStic! we wait. Another week of wondering what will happen. And if you've studied - like me - probably don't even want to know.

First off - I should be happy that Mary and Francis are married. But I'm still so pissed off at Mary. They ruined the whole friggin romance.
Secondly...MAN did she drop Bash like a HOT POTATO. Now I feel bad for HIM! And Francis hates him! Come on, Francis...what would YOU have done if all that shit was dropped in your lap? The same damned thing! And poor Bash. The whole time he and Mary were "together", all he did was run around like her lap dog, fixing all her problems.
Francis got to sleep with her and all you got was...
That was nuts!!! They all stood around watching... and Lola was literally cringing. That was some EXCELLENT drama right there. Not even any blankets! Just wham, bam, thank you, that awful night dress thing. And Francis was all "That's right...I can get it THIS!"
And NOW Nostradamus realizes he was wrong? And I guess he's going to set out to kill Clarissa to make it all right...which is so awful. And sad. Queen Catherine should feel a lot worse than she does about the fact that that poor girl had such a shitty life. OMG.
Ew and not that it deserves mention...but what's with Kenna? Get me a hubby and I'll shag your brains out until you do? What's with that?? She's so gross. And she wasn't all that nice to Lola. Geez. Lola's looking OUT for her well being. I can't even stomach her.
Long live the queen. SO glad Catherine's not going to die any time soon. Let's be honest; she's the show.
OH WAIT - Marie de Guise. What do you think of Amy B? I wanted to hate her (because her non-accent is so not spectac) but she's really good. SO much fun. It's like watching Cora and PaPA's mothers go at it on Downton! FanTAStic! we wait. Another week of wondering what will happen. And if you've studied - like me - probably don't even want to know.
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Spoiler Alert: Just finished Me Before You by Jojo Moyes and this post is chock full of awful spoilers. Turn back now if you haven't read it yet. I beg you.
Argh. This is not an easy post to write. So much to chew on in this book. So much mental anguish and emotional turmoil to consider. Not my usual dishly story.
Here's the problem I have with this book:
Will Traynor will not get out of my head.
I don't know what I ever did to him...but he won't leave. He just sits there...mocking me...reminding me that he's not finished with me yet. How's a girl supposed to deal with that?
A question I need answered:
(Did I miss it? Did I skim? Eek!)
Why didn't Will have a "Do Not Resuscitate" order? When he had pneumonia...or his bag wasn't changed...or when any number of near-fatal crises arose, couldn't he have just let the lord take him then? Why go to Switzerland and put so many people through that hell? Because you want to do it on your terms? Come on. How about doing it on God's terms (whatever your idea of God may be)? That would not have been easy on anyone in the short term...but your parents, sister, nurse and girlfriend (cuz let's face it; that's what Lou was) would sure as hell have had a lot more peace in the long run.
I find myself being angry with Will. And yet...I totally understand and back him in his decision. I just wish he'd...waited. And I know; he couldn't wait. ARRRGHHHH. SEE???? This book is maddening. At least the aftermath is.
After a few days, I had to google...just to try to visualize the characters; especially Will. Let's face it, most of us don't have a quadriplegic in our lives and might have a hard time "seeing" the story. I found some really neat photos on this goodreads discussion page...first and foremost, this one that is supposed to be Will (posted by "Kristina".) WOW. I mean...holy cow. I'd have to sit down if I weren't sitting already. Does anyone know who this guy is??
And Lou? Don't even get me started on visualizing Lou. I love this character. She's so everyday. She appeals to that side of us that just wants to sit the eff down and watch some mindless TV and have everyone leave us the frig alone for five friggin minutes. Is that too much to ask? Lou kept that family together.
Treena = Dasha from The Bronze Horseman
. I wanted to smack her half the time...and then, out of the blue, she'd do something totally sweet.
And no one cheered more loudly than myself when Lou kicked Patrick to the curb. Hear, hear. That guy didn't give a rat's ass about her. He might have thought he did...but he didn't. Talk about putting Baby in the corner. He'd have had her cleaning up after him and waiting up for him to come home for YEARS. I can't tell you how happy I was that she was ANYWHERE - let alone Paris - WITHOUT the end of the book. I don't care that she was alone; she needed to spend some time away from everyone. God bless her.
Speaking of Paris. One snarkified comment: Sometimes I felt that Will was a bit too much. He jumped out of planes and climbed mountains and made millions in business and knew how to do everything....and also knew this certain perfume and where to find it in this little shop in Paris...and he tells Lou he always thought it would smell great on her (or whatever eloquent language he used to express that opinion postmortem.) I felt myself saying "Come ON. A little far fetched." Was it just me??
Two favorite scenes: 1) Dinner with Lou's fam. How awesome was Will? Just when you thought he was a miserable prick, he'd show up and be charming as shit. I loved him for doing that for her.
2) The wedding. OMG the wedding. If this book gets adapted for screen, I will sit on my hands, waiting for that scene. Sitting on his lap on the chair and "dancing"? Oh shit. I waited for that moment from the second we were introduced to Will. And how about him actually WANTING to go to the wedding??? I was so proud of him for that. It must have been a huge step for him.
You the wedding, you could tell the bride and groom (I don't even remember their names, that's how much I hated them) were uncomfortable. They didn't know how to deal with Will. But you know what? Neither did Lou at first!! She had to learn to take care of - and spend time with - a quadriplegic. I found that to be such a refreshing journey that we all got to take with her. These people are not broken on the inside. They are just living life differently than before. They are human!! Treat them as such!!!
OK...that's it for now, before I lose a gasket over Will's "friends". Off to start another (hopefully gut-wrenching, mind-blowing) book.
Any suggestions?
Here's the problem I have with this book:
Will Traynor will not get out of my head.
I don't know what I ever did to him...but he won't leave. He just sits there...mocking me...reminding me that he's not finished with me yet. How's a girl supposed to deal with that?
A question I need answered:
(Did I miss it? Did I skim? Eek!)
Why didn't Will have a "Do Not Resuscitate" order? When he had pneumonia...or his bag wasn't changed...or when any number of near-fatal crises arose, couldn't he have just let the lord take him then? Why go to Switzerland and put so many people through that hell? Because you want to do it on your terms? Come on. How about doing it on God's terms (whatever your idea of God may be)? That would not have been easy on anyone in the short term...but your parents, sister, nurse and girlfriend (cuz let's face it; that's what Lou was) would sure as hell have had a lot more peace in the long run.
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Holy crap, right??? |
After a few days, I had to google...just to try to visualize the characters; especially Will. Let's face it, most of us don't have a quadriplegic in our lives and might have a hard time "seeing" the story. I found some really neat photos on this goodreads discussion page...first and foremost, this one that is supposed to be Will (posted by "Kristina".) WOW. I mean...holy cow. I'd have to sit down if I weren't sitting already. Does anyone know who this guy is??
And Lou? Don't even get me started on visualizing Lou. I love this character. She's so everyday. She appeals to that side of us that just wants to sit the eff down and watch some mindless TV and have everyone leave us the frig alone for five friggin minutes. Is that too much to ask? Lou kept that family together.
Treena = Dasha from The Bronze Horseman
And no one cheered more loudly than myself when Lou kicked Patrick to the curb. Hear, hear. That guy didn't give a rat's ass about her. He might have thought he did...but he didn't. Talk about putting Baby in the corner. He'd have had her cleaning up after him and waiting up for him to come home for YEARS. I can't tell you how happy I was that she was ANYWHERE - let alone Paris - WITHOUT the end of the book. I don't care that she was alone; she needed to spend some time away from everyone. God bless her.
Speaking of Paris. One snarkified comment: Sometimes I felt that Will was a bit too much. He jumped out of planes and climbed mountains and made millions in business and knew how to do everything....and also knew this certain perfume and where to find it in this little shop in Paris...and he tells Lou he always thought it would smell great on her (or whatever eloquent language he used to express that opinion postmortem.) I felt myself saying "Come ON. A little far fetched." Was it just me??
Two favorite scenes: 1) Dinner with Lou's fam. How awesome was Will? Just when you thought he was a miserable prick, he'd show up and be charming as shit. I loved him for doing that for her.
2) The wedding. OMG the wedding. If this book gets adapted for screen, I will sit on my hands, waiting for that scene. Sitting on his lap on the chair and "dancing"? Oh shit. I waited for that moment from the second we were introduced to Will. And how about him actually WANTING to go to the wedding??? I was so proud of him for that. It must have been a huge step for him.
You the wedding, you could tell the bride and groom (I don't even remember their names, that's how much I hated them) were uncomfortable. They didn't know how to deal with Will. But you know what? Neither did Lou at first!! She had to learn to take care of - and spend time with - a quadriplegic. I found that to be such a refreshing journey that we all got to take with her. These people are not broken on the inside. They are just living life differently than before. They are human!! Treat them as such!!!
OK...that's it for now, before I lose a gasket over Will's "friends". Off to start another (hopefully gut-wrenching, mind-blowing) book.
Any suggestions?
Vampire Diaries: Goodbye to You
SPOILER ALERT: Season 6 - Episode 12:
(There's actually been one episode since this...we're waiting for 14 this week. are my notes from ep 11. 'Cuz they made me giggle, even though they're week-old.)
LOVE the whole compelling Matt thing. But couldn't he get around it???
(There's actually been one episode since this...we're waiting for 14 this week. are my notes from ep 11. 'Cuz they made me giggle, even though they're week-old.)

I think I hate Katherine's daughter. She's annoying.
Tyler is doing shots at 7:42 am.
Oooh what's with the kid looking for Elena? He cut off the funding to the vampire haters. That's cool. BUT - he wants Caroline to tell elena he's sorry? Now isn't THAT interesting. Methinks he's diggin' on her. That would rule. I'd rather her get away from BOTH Salivate Salvatore brothers, once Katherine finally gives up her body.
Stefan: "How'd you like to be judged solely by who you're attracted to?"
Stefan: "How'd you like to be judged solely by who you're attracted to?"
Caroline: Why? Do you know something?
OMG Elena's back!!!! LOVE THIS! You get out of there girl! SHIT - she's back. Katherine. DAMN. And I don't even LIKE Elena...but now I feel bad.
Best Damon lines:
1) You once told me that calling me Satan was an insult to Satan.
1) You once told me that calling me Satan was an insult to Satan.
2) You brought be love advice from Prudy Trudy.
OMG poor Caroline. Tyler heard her. Wouldn't it be funny if she yelled "WE WERE ON A BREAK!!" LOLOL
Awww C'mon - that isn't fair of Damon to say Stefan is enjoying Elena dumping him. Stefan's been beyond cool about this relationship.
Tyler's a douche. STFU dude. Even though you are looking very Robert Pattison-as-Edward Cullen in the Cafeteria scene of Twilight this evening. Scrumpdillyicious.
Um, is anyone ever going to realize that Matt is the best looking guy on this show? Jeremy's pretty tasty, too...but he's too dopey to be hot.
The Walking Dead: We May Need Fonzie Soon
SPOILER ALERT: Just watched the season 4 mid-season premiere.
Every once in a while, an episode bores me so badly, I find it funnier to post the notes I took whilst sleeping through watching the show. Enjoy.
Why aren't these walker pets attacking Michonne? I understand we have to suspend disbelief...but not after 4 seasons. That's kindof BS. These walker pets even have arms! Hell...even severed walked HEADS want to eat you? Whassup?
Ummm...Why is Carl mad at Rick? Why isn't he waiting for him?
OK enough of Rick and Carl walking around this's getting old.
Holy shit Carl you dumbass!!!
Dear Rick...are you dead? Love, Carol
Poor Michonne. Was that her baby?? Did her baby die??
This is boring the shit out of me. A whole ep of Carl? Ew. And could there BE any more commercials? WTF? What the eff IS this? A Very Special Walking Dead? An After School special???
Aaaaand there's Michonne. Walkin' with her walker friends.
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