LOVED when Merle let Michonne go. That was really awesome. I think he realized there was a good chance of him dying...and he wanted Little Brother to know he was a good guy deep down. Schnikees - I thought - for a minute, tonight - that Merle and Carol were developing a little understanding. I was kindof hoping for a neat, little triangle between them and Daryl...but it was not to be.
Ummm...did anyone notice that we haven't seen Andrea since the governor tied her up in the house of horrors? Holy crap - the thought of being tortured by that asshat is almost scarier than getting eatin' by a walker.
Glenn and Maggie are engaged. Zzzzzz. Don't get me wrong - they're cute and I like them both...but we're in the middle of the greatest storyline in weeks and you stop to show us the proposal-that-wasn't-really-a-proposal? With a ring from a walker?! And is it me, or was that so entirely gnarly when he cut off that poor walker chickie's finger? Geez - tonight I watched Michonne stomp on some dude's head and squash it like a watermelon. Yet seeing that woman's finger cut off was ten times worse.
Well at least we're not being subjected to Andrea trying to be the go between and get all the boys and girls to play nicely anymore. Yawn. That was pretty boring, too.
And for the love of all that's holy - Lori showed up AGAIN tonight?? WTF?! Get RID of her dead ass already, man! Or, at least, if you're going to bring back someone for hallucinations, make it Shane for god's sake! Not Lori. Even in death she's got that bitchy, condescending look about her. It's really annoying - just like her.
OMG tonight was a great episode as far as walkers go. It's about time we get back to the WALKERS being the scary part of the show and not the stupid governor. And I hope it's not anticlimactic when they kill him on next week's finale (c'mon, you know they're gonna) like it was with that gross psycho on Boardwalk Empire this season. You'd have thought they'd make his death slow and painful but nooooo... they just shoot him - and that's that.
But I digress. Bottom line - I want pain and suffering or the governor. Does that make me a bad person?