OMG what a fun show this is. I know people probably look at it like "Are you serious? Vampire
Diaries? What's next, Werewolf Bubblegum? But you just have to watch to believe how amusingly delicious it is.
I am at a loss for what is going to happen this season. I changed my mind about 17 times in one hour. At first I figured we'd have to deal with Bad Fake Stefan all season...and poor Good Real Stefan would be stuck in that silver box for months. (WTF is that thing? A freezer? An oversized safe?)
Then I decided they were going to get Good Real Stefan back pretty quickly and Bad Fake Stefan was headed out the door. That's how they always deal with the summertime cliffhanger on shows like this. They tie it up in one or two episodes and go back to the way things were.
My country 'tis of thee... |
A few notes:
- I actually liked Elena in this episode. She was happy and non-whiny. Let's hope it continues.
- Dear Matt - this is a prime time television show at 8PM. Please refrain from schtupping two girls at once. Gracias.
Maybe no one will notice I've got my head turned like this and am talking to nothing. |
- OMG Jeremy has more lives than Kenny on South Park. He dies in every episode!
- I hate that I now feel sorry for Bonnie. I used to hate her annoyingness...but now I feel awful for her. She's all dead and shit...and her poor Dad is about to sit next to her on the bus to nowheresville.
Tide? mom buys the cheap stuff. |
- And if I had a dime for every time I skipped through the quad, holding my laundry basket...I'd also be eating at KFC every day. C'mon. Who wrote this scene? Target?!
Can't wait for episode 2 that was rudely BLOCKED from my TV last night so we could watch the Giants suck ass for the 6th game in a row. I'll have to pay $2.99 for I hope it's as good as this one was.