relationship's demise setting in, 2) too much crying for one sane person, and 3) being OVER IT with the Jack Tripper shenanigans (#Petro #Ayse)...I trod lightly BACK into Istanbul waters last night and watched Eps 34 - 36.
BOY am I glad I did. Nothing better to get you over heartache than to watch your favorite lead character transform himself into a MAJOR ASS OF EPIC PROPORTIONS right in front of your eyes...all while Sura is handling herself with grace (when she's not swigging from a vodka bottle), dignity (when she's not throwing the aforementioned vodka bottle across the room) and just a little too much Petro-friendliness (we all have our weaknesses.) But let's be honest; Seyit has become something SOOOO unfathomably different than that the Russian soldier we fell in love with.
WHAT is with the attitude toward Sura? Oh right, she's a little too tight with Petro. Fine. I get it.
WHAT is with the handlebar mustache? Ew. Just, no. Just, ew. OK it was "in" at the time. I get it.

Perhaps I am just lying to myself myself that I am not at all interested in this guy...but watching poor Sura hang on to their dying relationship is bringing back horrifying memories from old boyfriends I'd rather forget.
And now we come to the dreaded proposal.
Once again, you saw Sura having fun, which you should WANT HER TO DO after she STAYED IN ISTANBUL FOR YOU, got your business up and running while you were in jail, cries daily for you...you IDIOT. (Incidentally, I spat "IDIOT" at the screen about 5 times last night during the dreaded Episode 36.)
So your SPITEFUL, JEALOUS, STUBBORN ass is just going to run over there and propose to someone you don't know. YOU DON'T KNOW HER, Seyit!! What are you, a complete MORON?!?
OMG I have to stop. I get myself so crazed...and so much of this did NOT even happen!!
And I keep remembering that if Seyit never married Murka, the lovely Nermin Bezmen would never have been born. And that, my friends, would just be a tragedy, in and of itself. ❤️
So if you want a good representation of what *did* happen (in a page or two), take a look at Ginger Monette's outstanding WWI/Historical Fiction blog where she has interviews with Nermin Bezmen here and here. (BEWARE; they're a quagmire of spoiler reality.)
Or just buy Kurt Seyt & Shura and pour over it like I have been.
And I'm warning you; you'll cry a lot...like I just did in the garage, with my back to my son, so he wouldn't see that Mom is crying - once again - about people she does not know, who have been dead for half a century...and it's only 10:15 in the morning.
As much as I tell myself I hate Kurt Seyit, to get through these last 9 episodes, I'm completely and utterly full of caca. I am so smitten with just the mere thought of the memory of "Seyit and Sura" that it will take me a long time to get out from under this massive cloud of their eternal love.
In more formal terms; it will last for all eternity. 💔
Informal terms?
That shit will just never go away. ☺️😢
Oh, Carol, I have been waiting for you to get to this point. (Librolover from Twitter) I didn’t want to say too much because I didn’t want to spoil anything for you, but I was (and am still) so angry at Seyit. Why did he turn into this unfeeling jerk????? Where did the man we fell in love with go? Yes, we!
I kept telling myself that he had issues because of feeling like he failed his family and somehow he resented her for causing the split before they had to flee, but no!!!! One does not love like that and throw it all away on a stranger for spite!
I cried, too. I’m glad I have someone to share my burden with now. I was at 7 episodes left and I still am. I just feel it’s not going to end satisfactorily for me at all.
Ugh. It's just so draining and emotional. I have googled like crazy. I just had to know. I couldn't go any further without knowing. Just too much anxiety. I got to the point, when things were first going south, where I couldn't sit down and watch anymore. I'd have to get up off the couch and walk around the room. Never, in all my years, have I been that angst-ridden about a story/show. It's maddening. I am all-consumed. I am to the point, now, where I am going to binge just to get it over with. Which is sad. :(
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